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Letter No. 7 by E. Bazner       

5 East 57th, St.
New York 22, N.Y.

July 23rd., 1948

Dear Mr. Seligman:

I thank you for your letter with mine of the 16th., and I am very sorry about the La Fresnaye photograph of "Castor and Pollux". Also I am enclosing herein thirty five-cent stamps.

S.S. CRAMER RE: OPPENHEIM PAINTINGS: The photographs of five of these paintings have just arrived, and they are, as Mr. Cramer said, very bad.

CHRISTIES; A letter yesterday from Christie, Manson & Woods as follows: (re: Cameo)

Dear Sir: We beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 6th. instant and regret not to have replied to this sooner. The Cameo Head of Medusa, 1ot 95 in our sale on July 8, was in fact bought-in at the time of sale at the figure of 600 (six hundred) guineas (£630.-.-.-) It has, however, since been sold to a private collector, who we understand wishes to remain anonymous. Yours faithfully.

I have attached it to the catalogue of the sale (for September).

BLACK TIE: Also I have received another black tie from Beale & Inman, same material, and a good four inches longer than the other one. The price is 7/6. We are to keep the first. I am writing them that as you are away I am thanking them in your behalf, and will bring it to your attention when you return in September.

With best regards and wishes,


Eleanor Bazner

Mr. Germain Seligman
Caneel Bay Plantation
c/o Virgin Islands Tours 
St. John
Virgin Islands

Transcription Notes:
It's Bazner ----- Letter No. 7 by E. Bazner 5 East 57th, St. New York 22, N.Y. July 23rd., 1948 Dear Mr. Seligman: I thank you for your letter with mine of the 16th., and I am very sorry about the La Fresnaye photograph of "Castor and Pollux". Also I am enclosing herein thirty five-cent stamps. S.S. CRAMER RE: OPPENHEIM PAINTINGS: The photographs of five of these paintings have just arrived, and they are, as Mr. Cramer said, very bad. CHRISTIES; A letter yesterday from Christie, Manson & Woods as follows: (re: Cameo) Dear Sir: We beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 6th. instant and regret not to have replied to this sooner. The Cameo Head of Medusa, 1ct 95 in our sale on July 8, was in fact bought-in at the time of sale at the figure of 600 (six hundred) guiness ([?]630.-.-.-) It has, however, since been sold to a private collector, who we understand wishes to remain anonymous. Yours faithfully. I have attached it to the catalogue of the sale (for September). BLACK TIE: Also I have received another black tie from Beale & Inman, same material, and a good four inches longer than the other one. The price is 7/6. We are to [[crossed out]] kke [[/crossed out]] keep the first. I am writing them that as you are away I am thanking them in your behalf, and will bring it to your attention when you return in September. With best regards and wishes, Sincerely, Eleanor Bayor Mr. Germain Seligman Caneel Bay Plantation c/o Virgin Islands Tours St. John Virgin Islands U.S.A. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-24 14:34:31 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-25 11:42:02