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July 20th., 1948

Dear Mr. Seligman

I just received your letter of July 17th., for which I thank you.

PONTI-BIENNALE: Wrote as per copy enclosed.

APARTMENT BILLS: Am paying Edison and telephone.

STERN: I certainly will place all our facilities at his disposal in reference to the Spanish Primitive.

WORK AT APARTMENT: Pat tells me today that everything is finished and very well done. I shall make an inspection tomorrow.

WORK AT GALLERIES: I had quite a lot of trouble as the workmen never seemed to show up as promised by the Super. However, after getting tough they finished soundproofing my office, and will terminate the panelling of yours today, and commence with painting tomorrow morning. Jack already set in the ceiling tracks for the curtains.
Pete Kahn will come in today to take the measurements for the curtains themselves which will be ready and set up before July 31st.

ACCOUNTANT: finished his work, and I really must compliment them on their speed and efficiency.

A.G. Becker & CO. advise you that the temporary certificates of Am. Tel. and Tel. are now exchangeable for the permanent ones. Mr. Dattelbaum to whom I explained that these bonds were at present in your bank vault, tells me that this matter can wait until September.

ALLIED STORES: mailed their divident check for $86.25 (eighty six dollars and twenty-five cents) (115 shares at $.75)

MRS. WALSER: Mailed her check for $49.00 (forty-nine dollars) in payment of one-half yearly premiums accrued on her consignments.

MR. ROBBINS: tells me that he wrote to the Federal Reserve Bank in order to obtain an extension to September 30th., of T.F.R.-600. He received an answer by phone that New York was only qualified to grant such requests [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] to August 1st., 1948, but that they had forwarded his demand [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] to Washington, who would answer him directly. During the course of this conversation, Mr. Robbins gave me some very interesting news. It seems that Mr. Bernheim, a few days prior to his last departure for France, phoned Mrs. Robbins to say 'au revoir,' and at the same time told her how pleased he was because he had succeeded in obtaining from Washington the unblocking of all his assets in this country. If my recollections are correct, Mr. Bernheim was supposed to let us know from Paris about his endeavors in this connection with the Office des Changes.- so something just does not add up.

VISITORS: Dr. Georg Swarzenski, Boston, and Gordon Washburn, Providence, came in yesterday. Miss Bazner, who received them, is reporting to you directly.

BUDWORTH: Just called for the Juan Gris "L'Arlequin Attable", destined for the San Francisco exhibition.

Mrs. Parker came in today - I gave her your message - she told me that she posted a letter to you on the 12th.



Transcription Notes:
There is writing on the back of the page that bled through. This is transcribed on the following page; should not be transcribed here. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-25 12:38:01