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Cambridge 38, Massachusetts

July 20th., 1948

Mr. Germain Seligman
c/o Jacques selgmann & Co., Inc.
5 East 57th. St.
New York 22, N.Y.

Dear Mr. Seligman:

I am sorry that I had to leave you when you were here in Cambridge several weeks ago, but both Mrs. Ehrlich, and Mrs. Horwitz have told me that all arrangements regarding the treatment of the Bourdichon miniature were most amiably concluded.

Mrs. Ehrlich is about to start on the treatment of the painting with the intention of having it ready for you by October 15th.

For our records we should appreciate a brief written statement confirming your verbal authorization to carry out treatment following that outlines in my letter of May 4th.

We shall all be watching the treatment of the miniature with great interest.

Yours sincerely

Dept. of Conservation


Dear Miss Bazner - I thank you for your letter #5- #6- and numerous enclosures - please answer as follows-
Buck - I have just heard from Mr. G.S. - to whom I forwarded four letters of July 20th and who whishes me to advise you that he is in full accord with the treatment of the Bourdichon as outlined in your letter to him of May 4th - These lines are thus to be considered as his written confirmation of his requesting you to kindly proceed accordingly

Mr. G.S- wants me to explain that [[strikethrough]] ifhe is not writing directly it is due to his not having felt well of late - and hopes you will understand-


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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-25 12:50:40