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1. 6-16-48 wrote Schempp re: Picasso ceramics. refer answer to Mrs. T.D. Parker. see fiche. re matter

2. 6-21-48 see cable to Balay for which we may receive an answer after G.S. leaves.

3. 6-22-48 wrote Dr. Chateaubriand (Assis) Diario de Sao Paulo - Rue 7 de Abril 230, Sao Paulo sent his pamphlets of Vermeyen, Monet "Jardin" and "Crucifixion" by Vannuccio. with prices. also Kodachromes of Vermeyen and Monet, and small glass KoMa. of Vannuccio.
paintings are to go to Mrs. Irene Hamer de Vries - 169 E. 78th. St. before first of July where he may see them if he should come to N.Y.

4. 6-22-48 wrote Arthur Sachs for new photos of his Tintoretto and Titian (for Pichetto) may arrive while G.S. is away. see copy of letter enclosed here.

5. Feilchenfeld, re: Lichtenstein coll. see corresp.

6. Keep Beale & Inman in mind re: black ties for G.S. awaiting answer from them as to what to do with black tie here.

7. Awaiting answer from Boris Lossky - L'Institut d'Innsbruck, Austria, re: collection in which Chinard bust is which was exh. "Frankrreicht-Osterreich." see catlg.

8. Awaiting answer from S.S. Cramer owner of Oppenheim paintings., wrote 5-17-48 said G.S. was leaving shortly.

9. 6-10-48 wrote Tom Howe, Calif. re: Degas "Danseuses au Foyer" 7340 no answer yet.

10. Incidental: Curt Valentin will be at the Hotel Beau Rivage, Geneva, Switz, indefinitely from June 21st., on. before sending anything there check again with his office. they close July and August.

11. From fiche of G.S. 6-24-48 It may be that in the course of July Mr. Fred Stern may ask you for a photograph of my large Hispano Maurish plate, at present at the Jewish Mus. If so, give him one, with the understanding that he is to return it to you as soon as he will have shown it to his client, in other words in two or three days.

12. 6-25-48 From fiche of G.S. of this date. Mr. F. Stern may ask to look at or even ask to have on consignment for a very short period the Spanish Primitive "Annunciation" price quoted $14,000. between July 1st and July 15. If so it would be all right, [[crossed out]]and[[/crossed out]] to either show it to him or/and his client, or give it to him on consignment, but again for a very short period of two or three days. I explained to him that the painting would go to the warehouse probably right after July 15., and thus no longer available. He has been given all documents pertaining to it, and I also told him I would be willing to listen to a reasonable offer.

13. George de Batz - re: Chasseriau drawing 7551 for his client during G.S. absence see G.S. letter to him 6-28-48

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-25 13:48:46