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[[top margin]] oal #2 [[/top margin]]

5 East 57th Street
New York 22, N.Y.

July 9, 1948

Dear Mr. Seligman:

JACQUES HELFT: I am enclosing copy of his letter dated July 3, 1948 which you will find self-explanatory. I deposited the check of $2,470.- (Two thousand four hundred seventy dollars) with J.P.Morgan & Co.,Inc. I do not know how Mr. Helft arrived at a cost price of $1,520.- for the painting, as our consignment clearly indicates the figure of $1,500.- only. I replied as per copy of letter appended.

MUSEUM OF MODERN ART: I am attaching copy of their letter of July 7th asking for an extension of our loan of the Bonnards. You had given me instructions on this topic prior to your departure, but in view of the fact that this exhibition runs through July 25th, I would like to have your reaction before answering them.

APARTMENT: Received a letter from Revillon Freres addressed to Mrs. Seligman, which I am keeping here unopened. It looks like a statement.

Bloomingdales also writes that Mrs. Seligman's inquiry concerning the statement will require longer than the usual period in which to complete their investigation, but that they are endeavoring to advise her as quickly as possible.

I phoned the landlord's office in order to ascertain when the work at the apartment would be started. I was not given a definite date but was assured that everything would be complete before July 27th; that is, the painting and the adjustment of the bedroom and kitchen windows; and bathroom fixtures.

However, they unequivocally refused to give you a new stove, and when I reminded them that if anything would happen, it would be their responsibility, they said that all they could do was to put the one you have now into the best possible working order. As a matter of fact, the gentleman with whom I had this conversation (Mr. Pallister) went so far as to suggest that if you wanted a new stove to purchase one yourself.

Jack started to remove all the items which will ultimately be put into the Manhattan Storage & Warehouse Co. from your apartment. Full report will follow later on.

GALLERY: My office is being soundproofed now. Yours will be panelled next week and the painting will be taken care of during the week beginning July 19th - in other words, everything will be finished well before the deadline of July 31st.


(Continued on page 2)

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-18 22:43:24