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July 7, 1948

Dear Germain:

I hope that you have by now received the book we published in connection with the comprehensive exhibition of the works of Pierre Bonnard to which you so generously contributed.

This exhibition, as you will see by the enclosed photostat of a few of the reviews and commentaries, has aroused tremendous public interest and we have received a great many requests to continue the exhibition a few weeks longer so that the thousands of people who come to New York during the summer season may have an opportunity to see it. We feel that it is our duty, in view of this extraordinary interest, to gratify these requests, provided that the lenders to the exhibition are willing to let us keep their works a little longer.

I am, therefore, writing to ask whether you would be kind enough to grant us an extension of the loan of your paintings through Labor Day, September the sixth. Immediately after this date they will be returned to you by the quickest possible means.

I can assure you that the Trustees of the Museum of Modern Art would be most grateful if you will assist us, in this way, to afford more people an opportunity to enjoy the Bonnard exhibition which has already given pleasure to so many others.

The works from your collection have contributed importantly to the success which has greeted the exhibition and I want to thank you again for your gracious participation.

Very sincerely yours,

Dear Mr. Liechti - Answering your letter of July 9 please write Mr. Monroe Wheeler -re above letter - that after communicating with me - (being away on my vacation) I shall be glad to leave the ptgs. with the museum until Labour Day - as per his request - 
- Your answer Helft O.K - but I want to take up his letter upon my return - re. price and re. Henry??-
- Am amazed at landlord's claim about new stove!-
- Please write Mr. Coe - "In Mr. G.S.' absence I am wondering whether - not having heard from you - Juan Gris reached you safely?" "May I enclose also copy of our invoice..."- 


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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-20 12:45:57