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MEMO: RE: The eventual Purchases at Brummer sale, May 11-14, 1949

Credit......... $ 3,500.- against reserve set up for Mr. Robbins (part of purchases to be made by Mr. Germain Seligman personal and to be settled upon his return)

May 12                                               Limit
#247 Early Christian Gold Ring .................... $ 25.--
#411 Gothic Carved wood Group "Virgin and Child"...  700.--
May 13
#515 Silver Chalice with paten ....................  250.--
May 14
#684 Ivory Group "Virgin and Child" ...............  700.--
     Note: It is understood that for the above numbers we
           have allowed $1,500.-, leaving for the following
           items $1,850.- (approximately)
#707 Mosan enamel Knop ........................... 1,000.--
#709 Mosan enamel Plaquette ...................... 1,500.--
#722 3 Mosan enamel border Plaquettes ............   600.--
     If #722 not purchased, and sufficient funds available,
#726 3 Rhenish enamel Plaquettes .................   600.--
     but, if necessary, may go as high as $700.-
#741 Venetian enamel Ciborium
     If only $350.- available, do not bid, but concentrate
     on #754, otherwise ..........................   350.--
     If neither #707 and/or #709 are purchased ...   450.--
     If after #741 is purchased, still $500.- to $600.-
     available, bid on:
#752 Crystal Plaquette ...........................   250.--
#754 Filigree silver and enamel Pectoral .........   350.--