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80th Congress 2nd Session | HR Report 1655


Sec. 15 "...In addition to continuous cooperation of the participating countries...each such country shall conclude an agreement with the U.S....Such agreement shall...make appropriate provision, among others, for -

(4) making efficient and practical use, within the framework of a joint program for European recovery, of the resources of such participating country, including any commodities, facilities or services furnished under this title, which use shall include, to the extent practicable, taking measures to locate and identify and put into appropriate use, in furtherance of such program, assets, and earnings therefrom, which belong to the citizens of such country and which are situated, within the United States, its territories and possessions."

Couvert amendment: insert after "country" in third line from bottom: "other than alien residents of the U.S. who either have made declaration of intention to become citizens of the U.S. (2) or have been lawfully admitted for permanent residence! (1)

(1) Congressional Record Vol 94 No. 60 March 31, 1948
(2) Subsequently amended to end here.