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January 24, 1949

Dear Mr. Seligman:

At the request and for the account of Mrs. Melvin Robbins, we are enclosing herein our check on J.P. Morgan & Co., Inc., in the sum of $ 300.- (Three hundred dollars) being in full reimbursement of your personal loans to her on [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] May 31st and June 27th, 1945, of $150.-(One hundred fifty dollars) each.

Trusting that you will find the above in order,

Yours very truly,

(O.A. Liechti)


Mr. Germain Seligman
47 East 61st Street
New York 21, N.Y.

P.S. We have been instructed by Mrs. Melvin Robbins to deduct this sum from the selling proceeds of a painting by Hubert Robert which we sold for her account.


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