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5 East 57th Street
New York 22, N.Y.      O.A.L. #11

June 8, 1949

Dear Mr. Seligman:

APARTMENT - We removed today to the galleries the items indicated on the attached list.

Mrs. Seligman also turned over to us a suitcase containing clothing with instructions to ship it, at the same time as the books, to St. John.

ROGER BERNHEIM - Enclosed please find copy of his letter dated June 7, 1949 which is self-explanatory. I wish to point out to you that the exhibit in Montreal where "Le Jardin de Monet" is at present closes on June 26, 1949, and we therefore cannot count on having the painting back at our galleries before a week or ten days after that date. As you know, the other Money "Chrysanthemums" and the large Courbet are in our vault at the warehouse.

In my reply, shall I state the earliest possible shipping date based on the return of the Money from Canada?

June 10, 1949

BANKERS TRUST SPECIAL ACCOUNT - Deposited the following divided checks:

$143.33 Refund - Overpayment Federal Income Tax 1948 (excess of taxes withheld on your salary over tax liabilities shown on your report)
$102.- Socony Vacuum
75.- Norolk & Western Railyway Co.
150.- U.S.Steel

NEWBERRY mailed check of $500.- in payment of the instalment due June 15th on his purchase of the Chasserisu drawing "Mme. Monnerot" (Balance still due - $500.- payable on or before December 1, 1949)

MARISMAS - No news from the Bankers Trust Company, to whom you gave your instructions on May 7,1949. Nor have we heard from mr. Henry B. Hyde.

MRS. PARKER - Phone her this morning to tell her about a few letters addressed to her. She tells me that she is feeling very well and that the rest is doing her a world of good.

GEORGES SELIGMANN made good this threat and has not come in since writing that complaint about me. It would appear, however, that he seems to be the only one to view the situation the way he does. Nevertheless, and as long as he is under contract to our firm, I wish he would stop acting like a juvenile and perform his duties at the office.

SECURITIES - Please find appended stock market quotations as of June 9, 1949.

TRIP - ST. JOHN - More complications: Philgus Travel Agency called this morning that Pan American had changed the whole schedule and the flight for July 10th on which you had reservations was changed to July 9th (Saturday). The departure time remains the same - 11:59 pm. I sure do hope that this is the last change to be made and that it does not interfere with your plans.
(continued on page 2)

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