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5 East 57th Street 
New York 22, N.Y. 
O.A.L #10
June 6, 1949
Dear Mr. Seligman: 
BANKERS TRUST COMPANY - Deposited the following checks which I received for your account from A.G.Brecker & Co.:
$9.99 200 rights Columbia Gas System
68.75 Half-yearly interest, $5,000.-,National Diary,2-3/4%
MRS. GERMAIN SELIGMAN phoned this morning to tell me to try to secure an airplane round-trip reservation to Paris for her, and I am happy to say it took the Philgus Travel Agency just about ten minutes to make the necessary arrangements. She is leaving this coming Thursday, June 9th, at 10 a.m.(Daylight Time) on Flight 010 and she holds confirmed reservation for the return flight scheduled for July 2nd. I paid Philgus the sum of $666.- by check on the O.A.Liechti Cashier Account #1,which brings me to: 
ADDITIONAL FUNDS- I requested Mr.Robbins to transfer against the special reserve with J.P.Morgan & Co.,Inc to the credit of the O.A.Lietchti Cashier Account #1 at the Fifth Avenue Bank the sum of $811.- for the unforseen payments as per attached list.