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5 East 57th St.
New York 22, N.Y.

June 6th., 1949

Dear Mr. Seligman:

Thank you for your letters pf May 31st., and June 3rd.

The following letter from Joseph Pulitzer - St. Louis Post-Dispatch, St. L., Missouri, came this morning dated June 3rd?

"Dear Mr. Seligman: I presume you will go abroad this summer and before you get away I wished to ask you to bear in mind my interest in the figure paintings by Braque in the collection of Baroness Gourgaud. I am in no position at this time to make an offer but I have not forgotten the painting which I believe to be the caniphores reproduced in Carl Einstein's "Art of the Twentieth Century" in the German edition and also in his monograph on Braque. It is always possible that arrangements could be made. I saw the Braque show twice and thought the oval "Bottle of Rum" held its own very well, indeed, against some distinguished competition from French collections. With kind regards to your wife, I am S.Y. (Signed Joseph Pulitzer, Jr.).

I answered him as follows: Dear Mr. Pulitzer: In the absence of Mr. Germain Seligman, who is already in Europe, I would like to thank you in his behalf for your very kind letter of June 3rd., regarding the figure paintings by Braque in the collections of Baroness Gourgaud. I am forwarding a copy of your letter to Mr Seligman today by airmail, and you will undoubtably hear from him without delay. Yours very sincerely.

In addition to the above address, which appears on his letterhead, Mr. P. also lives at 4969 Pershing - St. Louis 8, Missouri.

As regards the list of artists and the method we are following:

We have made a list of the modern paintings, Miss Cohen taking the first half of the alphabet and I the other, leaving at the far end of the sheets two columns, one for negatives , and one for photographs to be checked in after all the lists are completed, as per Mr. Liechti's suggestion, and are now following the same pattern with the antique paintings. Such as Gris, Picasso, etc., and all the Impressionists are done.

I have checked the list of visitors, and found no one in who has not been mentioned by your cousin or/and Mrs. Parker in their letters. A Mr. Grenville whom I mentioned on June 2nd., according to your cousin is of absolutely no interest. Mr. Cerrerras from So. America is with your cousin at this very moment.

As regards the clippings re the Andrea del Castagno there were three and I have them here. Why I did not send them - I have no excuses - with the exception that I probably thought at the time they were excess baggage. However, should you want them I'll send them right on.

Other than this there is nothing new.

With best wishes


Mr. Germain Seligman
Seligmann & Cie.
23 Place Vendome