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Paris, June 3, I949

Dear Miss Bazner,

Thanks for your letter of May 3I and also for the clippings which I am certainly pleased to have, as it is indeed great news. But as long as we are on this topic, why did you not send me the clippings in connection with the cancellation of the purchase made by the Metropolitan Museum of the Castagno painting. It must have made quite some headlines in the New York papers.

I am very pleased to read you are making such nice headway with your list of artists and trust that, by the time I return, they will be completed, at least as far as the modern ones are concerned.

In this connection, I think you should know that I will, most probably, return much earlier than I originally contemplated.

With best wishes,

Sincerely yours,

Transcription Notes:
1s replaced with Is in text