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Geo. S. #6


Cable: Glaenstark 

Tel: PLAZA 3-0250

New York (22)
May 23, 1949

Dear Germain:

Perls, the father, asked for my visit and showed me a painting by Daumier which represents a mandolin player on a kind of terrace or balcony, with green trees in the background and a blue sky. The personage himself has good volume, good movement, but he is gray with black outlining. To my feeling, the painting is unfinished. It is "HD".

Excellent pedigree: Was in the Doria Sale in 1896, from what Perls said, Doria bought most of his paintings directly from the artist and had stopped buying Daumier before 1860. 


[underlined]Fuchs[underlined] who bought it in 1911. It is now the property of his widow. 

Exhibited: Exposition des Beaux Arts 1901
Hugo Perls, 1925
Museum of Modern Art, 1930,in Exhibiton, "Daumier to Corot"

Reproduced: Fuchs and Glosowski

Size: Roughly 80 x 60cm

Price: $22,000.-

Second Daumier "Horseman seen from three-quarter back, turned to the right". The horse foreshortened, the man with short arms again good volume. A certain opacity of the background 

Size: Approximately 45 x 27cm

Pedigree: Sold in the Forbes Collection in Munich 1906. 
Bought by our old friend Eissler
From whom Perls buys it 
Sells it to Fuchs

Reproduced: Catalog-Forbes
Fuchs and Glosowski 
Cahiers d'Art, 1932 #1-2

Exhibited: Museum of Modern Art, 1930

Price: $18,000.

[[left margin]] en comparaison du loí E.P. ce tout fablaus l'ui inféressaus[[?]][[/left margin]]

[underlined]Second Daumier[underlined] "Horseman seen from three-quarter back, turned to the right". The horse foreshortened, the man with short arms again good volume. A certain opacity of the background. 
Size: Approximately 45 x 27cm 
Pedigrees: Sold in the Forbes Collection in Munich 1906. Bought by our old friend Eissler 
From whom Perls buys it to 
Sell it to Fuchs. 

Reproduced: Catalog - Forbes
Fuchs and Glosowski
Cahiers d'Art, 1932 #1-2

Exhibited: Museum of Modern Art, 1930 
Price: $18,000. - 
[[bottom margin]] Paintings Work of Art [[bottom margin]]
[[Bottom right]] AIR MAIL [[Bottom right]]

Transcription Notes:
Reopened. left margin french note needs more work Unsure what the side writing says ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-22 11:43:24