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Germain Seligman-2  geos#6  May 23, 1949

Fs aid to Perls that you had not found any paintings of interest in Paris. He asnwered that to his feeling the market was in Switzerland more than anywhere else. 

In the conversation he told me that he knew here of a group of Nudes by Cezanne which would be for sale. If I am not mistaken it is #726 of the Cezanne book, 75 x 92cm for "Baigneuse", dated around 1900. The painting bears a trace of knifing by Cezanne one day when he was impatient. The price the owners wants is $75,000.-

May 25, 1949
I just promised Chailloux to lend him the Valenciennes when his client from Cuba will be here again next month.

Mrs. Storey invited me for lunch. 

May 26, 1949
NATHAN I showed him the Roger and unfortunately also the Friedlander photstats. He does not think that his client could be interested in such a painting, but if it could be proven by ultraviolet rays, x-rays, etc. that the painting is really in a better condition than Friedlander states, even in his last 1947 certificate, he would consider it. So should these examinations turn out to be favorable, then the painting which I pointed out to be a rarity and which he thinks is very impressive, might come into consideration. He qualified his client as being a little peculiar about state of preservation. 

In the conversation he mentioned Thyssen. He had been chosen, he said, to divide the paintings and works of art amongst the four children (by the same mother) of Thyssen, who had made a will favoring the youngest of these children leaving him everything and others nothing. This was against the Swiss law and nullified the will. Nowadays things have been settled. The favored child gets 5/8 of the estate, each of the three others 1/8. One of the children might be willing to sell some paintings. They are on exhibition in the museum in Berne and the owner is defined as "Private Owner". 
[[left margin]] [[and a (demande la Camaye)]] [[/left margin]]
There is a bearded man portrait by Titian - remember that we have demands for 16th century Italian. He wasn't clear about the other paintings which might be for sale. The attributions of many paintings had to bo be transformed since Thyssen's death and from what he said, I understand that a little unrest might have been created.

[[Left Margin]] aud a goya (demande de la Carmaya) [[Left Margin]]
LEIGH BLOCK came in. - Will be back.

I had lunch with Carrerras, who came to the office afterwards.

May 26, 1949

MISS FRANCES PAPERTE, founder of the Music Research Foundation, Inc. came in sent by the Chase National Bank. She would like to have a free desk and telephone for the headquarters of her foundation and the possibility of giving small teas and cocktail parties. Her foundation is a most interesting one as it brings music into the inmates of the asylums and the highly neurotic people in the hospitals, some of them being soothed by music and thus improving them and making them ready for further improvement. I had heard of that method quite a long time ago. I did not give her much hope, but told her that I would refer the matter to you.

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-21 19:24:48