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5 East 57th Street
New York 22, N.Y.

May 10, 1949

Dear Germain:
I hope that your trip was good.

HENRY CLIFFORD came in - most interested by the Gris; would like to buy it for himself but the furnishing of his [[stores??]] house takes up all his money. He does not think that the museum would buy it but would like to have them do so. I told him that if he wanted to buy it for himself I would state the lowest possible price and a time of credit. It [[strikethrough]] is [[/strikethrough]] will be time to take it up again enough in September, as he is going away in a few days to Switzerland where he has a house, and to Florence where he has another house and where he invited me to visit him.

May 11, 1949
CARRERRAS of Buenos Aires paid me a lengthy visit yesterday afternoon and want to come in again.

JAKOB GOLDSCHMIDT called up this morning and embarrassed me more than I can write. He first told me he had sold too cheaply, to which I answered that he was wrong and he seemed to feel better. Then he added very kindly that he had wanted to be elegant in his way of acting because you had obviously made such an effort on his behalf for which he was very thankful.

Then came the question - when would he be paid, his paintings had been taken away yesterday morning and now he was expecting the check. Would I transmit it as soon as it would arrive? When would it arrive? Once more, I got out of the difficult situation the best I could by generalities. Once more, I have been in an embarrassing situation because of lack of information. I would much rather not write this to you, but I do not see how, in a complete report to you, I could avoid it.

May 13, 1949

May 14, 1949
Had CHARLIE CUNNINGHAM and wife for lunch. Showed them before lunch, Juan Gris, Picasso; was very much interested and asked price; La Fresnaye, was very much interested and asked price; Juan Gris drawings; Vuillard "La Mansarde" to which he did not react any more as something he wanted to buy.

Mr. Germain Seligman
23 Place Vendome
Paris, France