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5 East 57th Street
New York 22, N.Y.

June 23, 1949

Dear Mr. Seligman:
BANKERS TRUST SPECIAL ACCOUNT - Deposited the following check:

$84.40 Half-yearly interest American Telephone and Telegraph (check received from A.G.Becker with whom these securities are deposited)

MR. DATTELBAUM phoned to say that he was going away for a week's vacation beginning Saturday. He hopes that he will have an opportunity to say "hello" to you during your short stay in New York.

RENOIR BRONZE - Being without any further news on this subject, I called up Mr. Royalls of Keating & Co. (Customs brokers of Mr. Valentin) to verify its date of delivery to our galleries. I am told that it is at present at Public Stores pending the usual examination by the Customs and should be delivered to us at the very latest by [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] coming Monday. When Imentioned that I could not understand this delay, he told me that unfortunately the Buchholz Gallery had entered three separate shipments - one of them by air - on one Consular Invoice, which complicated matters quite a bit.

MR. GEORGES phoned Miss Cohen this morning to ask her to bring to his apartment a stock book, to which I, of course, was agreeable. Miss Cohen then phoned me from his apartment to inquire about the cost price of the following paintings:

BONNARD "Le Coup de Vent"
BRAQUE "Reclining Nude"
BRAQUE "Fruits, Couteau et Pichet"
CASSATT "Femme et Enfant"
VUILLARD "Jardin de l'Alcazar"

I understand that he received a call from Mortimer Brandt in this connection but do not know anything further about it.

LEIGH BLOCK - Lowy delivered the new frame for the Juan Gris and I had Miss Cohen call Mr. Georges immediately who then came to the galleries and after examination which proved satisfactory, gave orders to ship it immediately to the purchaser together with the invoice in the sum of $12,000.-. It will leave [[strikethrough]] Saturday [[/strikethrough]] Friday by Railway Express prepaid.

MR. NESI came in to tell Mrs. Parker and myself about the cable he received from you.

MARISMAS - Mr. Corcoran of Bankers Trust phoned. As I told you in a previous letter, he had been away on a vacation. He seemed to be very surprised to be without an answer from the Banco Hispano Americano and at my suggestion is writing them anew.

June 24, 1949

MR. CARRERRAS purchased a Wiener catalog for $23.-, [[strikethrough]] as [[/strikethrough]] price authorized by Mr. Georges (the regular price - $25.-).

(Continued on page 2)