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5 East 57th. St.
New York 22, N.Y.

Letter No. 16 EB

June 22nd., 1949

Dear Mr. Seligman: :

I have received your letter of June 15th., and am very sorry I did not post you about the Brummer sale.

As regards Edgar Schenck - news of whose appointment I came across quite by accident, as no one else was yet informed about it - his successor when he leaves for Buffalo on September 1st., will be Prof. Henry Russell Hitchcock, who wrote the book "Painting Towards Architecture" dealing with the Miller Collection. He will be the acting director at the Smith College Museum for 1949-50, until a permanent appointment is made.

Curt Valentin sent you his book on Braque entitled: "Notebook 1917-1947"

An auction catalogue came in days late from Paris of a collection "G.D." at the Hotel Druct, held June 17th., of drawings and paintings French School of 16th. century.

The Museum of Modern Art requested three photographs of ptg. by Renoir "La Baie" which they own now, and which we sold some time ago to Mr. Nesi. They had a rush call for a photograph, and Mrs. Parker said she saw no harm in letting them have it, with bill of course.

With best regards to you and Mrs. Seligman,


[handwritten] Eleanor Bagner

Mr. Germain Seligman
Seligmann & Cie.
23 Place Vendome