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5 East 57th Street
New York 22, N.Y.

July 7, 1947

Dear Germain:

Since you left, I just received one letter from you which did not give me any news of you and did not answer any question.

In the meanwhile, I asked a certain number of questions to which I did not get any answers. Could you be good enough to read over my mail and answer the different points which require answering.

For instance, in a few days it will be took late to show the commode, that Chailloux refuses to take on consignment, to the other dealers I suggested, because primo, the commode will be sent to storage, and secondly, I will be away.

I just had a call from Charell. His brother's friends seem to be very interested in the Monet, Matisse, and Bonnard, and he wished to know whether one of us would be back in early September when Eric would be back from Europe, where they are both leaving for the day after tomorrow. Ludwig will try to contact you over there, and I gave him as an address "Place Vendome."

[handwritten] Bien Tieu

Mr Germain Seligman
% Seligmann & Cie.
23 Place Vendome
Paris, France