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5 East 57th Street
New York 21, 154 York

July 6, 1949

Dear Miss Owen:

On our return to New York a few days ago, we were delighted to find the ART QUARTERLY with the Juan GrisLa Fresnaye article and then to add to our pleasure, came your letter of July 2nd with check enclosed, as well as the twenty-four reprints.

We do want to tell you how well the article looks and how pleased we are to be represented in an issue of the Art Quarterly. Everything was handled so nicely and we do want to thank you for all your assistance. We are wondering if you have not perhaps been generous beyond your usual custom in sending us twenty-four reprints, and if so, hope that you will let us have a bill for any excess.

Again thanking you,

Sincerely yours,

Ethlyne J. Seligman

Miss Marion B. Owen
The Art Quarterly
c/o Detroit Institute of Arts
Detroit 2, Michigan