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June 20, 1949

Dear Mr. Liechti:

I am in receipt of your two letters, Nos. 12 and 13, for which I thank you.

Titan Portrait. There is nothing further for me to say about this but to recommend you keep in touch with Mr. Kopald in order to obtain the renouncement of recourse. 

Pat. I posted Mrs. Seligman about this and she will take care of this matter when we return.

Stora. Am writing to him as per enclosed copy.

Carrerras. Among the papers for my return, please have a copy of photographs and data and prices turned over to him.

Shipment to St. John. Your suggestion is a very good one. Zill you thus, please write to the manager, Mr. McGowan, should the cases remain in St. Thomas.

Return Trip. We have advanced our return and will be leaving on Wednesday, June 29 at 9 p.m. We should arrive at Idlewilde; I surmise, around two or three in the afternoon of the 30th. Please advise Pat; although Mrs. S. may write to her directly, as we certainly hope to have dinner at home. In view of this, I would like you to advise the staff that I will probably call upon them to work on Saturday, or part of it in any case. In order to be prepared for such an eventuality , give the necessary extra hours free before I return; should this be necessary.

Griselda frescos. I have requested a friend of mine, an American attorney, to look into this matter, as he will probably be going to Italy shortly, and upon my return I am to supply him with the necessary documents. As these will be quite lengthy, will you please have this attended to upon receipt of these lines. As much as I can judge from here, I would say that the following papers are indispensable to a proper understanding of the case: My first letter to the State Department stating my case and the report from the Belle Arte received through the State Department. (Shouldthis be a verylengthy one, have it photostated). The two or three letter fro, theavacato Biffi and ly answers; the copies sent him of excerpts of the letters from Mme. Politi; and, of course, the documents that Mr. Biffi obtained from the Notari Smederle whereby my true ownership of the frescos is revealed, particularly the letter from Mme. Politi in which she sale is recognized by her as merely a formality and wherein she recognizes that she has no title whatsoever to them.

All of these documents, just in case I should not be able to find the card I have, are to be sent to Professor Henry P; DeVries; Palace Hotel, Scheveningen, Holland, where he will be from July 10 to August 13

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