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O.A.L. #14

5 East 57th Street 
New York 22, N.Y.   

June 20, 1949

Dear Mr. Seligman:

I hasten to reply to your letter of June 15th which just reached me. As you will notice from the enclosed envelope, it was censored by the French Customs Service in Paris which disturbs me quite a bit as to my knowledge French mail has not been subject to censorship for several years.

CASES TO ST. JOHN - Mr. Gelb, whom I just called, confirmed that the two cases will leave New York by steamer on June 24th, arriving at St. Thomas on or around July 4th. They [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] were built of stout lumber, lined with tar paper; the tops screwed down and containing each a list of the contents. I asked you in my letter of June 17th whether I should write instructions to the manager of Caneel Bay Plantation to pick them up in St. Thomas, which is the port of call, and hold for your arrival.

ROGER BERNHEIM - I defer replying to him until we have your instructions to Mrs. Parker's cable of today (inquiry Davis, Minneapolis).

MARISMAS - I phoned Mr. Henry B. Hyde who tells me that he received an answer from the Spanish lawyer two days ago and that he already forwarded copy of it to you. It seems the contemplated transaction meets with considerable difficulties. I asked him to be good enough to send me also a copy of said letter.

I also phoned Mr. Corcoran of Bankers Trust who is in charge of that end. Unfortunately he has been away on vacation for the last two weeks and is expected back in New York next Friday only, at which time I will communicate with him again. His secretary, however, tells me that to her knowledge no answer was received as yet from the Banco Hispanic Americano in Madrid.

May I remind you that these securities are still deposited with A.G. Becker & Co., Inc.

TRIP-ST. JOHN - I confirmed this matter again. The flights, both ways Puerto Rico- St. Thomas, are, as per your desire, by Pan American. I am glad that the advanced flight from July 10 to July 9th is satisfactory to you.

BANKERS TRUST COMPANY SPECIAL ACCOUNT - Deposited the following dividend check:

$ 84.- Ohio Public Service Company

NESI -He just left the galleries. I gave him your messages which seemed to please him very much. Regarding the two Cezannes - one is a "Portrait de Paysan", #712 of Venturi while the other one is a landscape, upright, approximately the same dimensions (he could not as yet verify it with the Venturi book). It seems that he learned of these two paintings as well as of approximately 14 others by Cezanne, Renoir, Gaugin, from Gaston Levi, who has them at present in his studio, and he assures me that they never were in Canada. He also mentions that the owner (the Vollard family) wants $65,000.- for the portrait and $40,000.- for the landscape. He is going to write to you on this topic in greater detail by airmail special delivery.

ROSE FRIED returned the Leger/"Plongeurs".

(continued on page 2)


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