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5 East 57th. St.
New York 22, N.Y.
June 17th., 1949

Dear Mr. Seligman:

In a rush just before Saturday, a letter from Acton Surgey, Ltd.

"I am sorry I missed you when you called a week or two ago. We have several rare and important things at the present time but I do not know if any of these are likely to be of interest to you. On of the rarest things is a 13th. century carved oak crowned head of Henry III, King of England, but possibly on account of its historical association it may have greater value in England than in America. Do let me know if there are any particular things you require as I know of many private collections from which individual articles can be purchased. YS. Signed Frank Surgey.

Also a letter from Handy and Harman for Mrs. Seligman which I am enclosing for her. As time to the 24th., regarding this is a little short I answered [[crossed-out]] xxx [[crossed-out]]. Miss Craver 

"As Mrs. G.S. is away until after June 24th., she will not be able to accept your kind invitation of lunching with Baron Fleming and yourself. I shall, however, forward your letter to her that she will be posted.

That is all to date.

With best wishes and regards,
