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May 18,1949

My dear Mr. Goldschmidt:

As per our Mr. Germain Seligman's letter of May 6, 1939, we take pleasure in enclosing herein our check #698 dated May 18, 1949 on J.P.Morgan & Co.,Inc. in the sum of $50,000.- (Fifty thousand dollars), being in full payment of the following three paintings:

Two paintings forming a pair by GUARDI, representing scenes painted in connection with the visit of the Pope to Venice, and the

Small painting by Corot called "La Femme Pensive ou La Reveuse"

which we purchased from you for the account and on behalf of the Cleveland Museum of Art.

To complete our records, we would be greatly obliged to you for signing the appended copy of this letter which, by the same token, will thus acknowledge receipt of the enclosed check.

Very sincerely yours,

(O. A. Liechti)

Enc. Check #698
J.P.Morgan & Co.,Inc.

Jakob Goldschmidt, Esq.
Savoy Plaza Hotel
New York 22, N.Y.