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PICASSO BUST: In answer to your letter of September 23rd., I have just spoken to Curt Valentin, and shall most probably within the nextfew days ask you to send the bust over on consignment, as you so kindly suggest. However, there is a question to solve here first, which is that customs may charge entrance duty. Curt V. explained to me that only the original and so many casts were accepted free of duty.
The suggestion that I made to him is, in case of sale, the profits should be divided three ways, you, he and I. Would this be agreeable to you?

I do want to tell you how much I appreciate the spirit you show in your different letters, and the splendid feeling of cooperation they reflect. By the way, your letter of September 9th., is perfectly clear.

STEEL TABLE: As regards the steel table you did not write what price you had mentioned, and by the same token, do not let me know what I wrote on the fiche, for I did find out the pedigree of it at the time.

(Germain Seligman)

Monsieur Francois-Gerard Seligmann
Seligmann & Cie.
23 Place Vendôme

P.S. I: I am sending you herein copy of my letter to Sanchez Abreu.

P.S. II: I was told that Coutrot will lend one or two very important Braques to the great retrospective of this artist's work which is organized here. It could perhaps be of interest for you to contact him and to secure an option on these paintings. If so do let me have photographs or tell me where they are reproduced.
I understand that one of them is a very important large one.