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Caneel Bay
July 30, 1949

Dear Liechti:

I am in receipt of your registered letter of July 25th and Miss Bazner's of July 26th. Two or three days ago, not realizing then you would still be in New York this coming week, I sent to Mr. Robbins a copy of my letter to Marcel Guiot which was sent to him directly from here, with check enclosed.

Manhattan Storage. Of course, should the Spanish primitive or the Italian portraits still be out by the time you leave and should my cousin be of the opinion that they have to stay out, leave them where-ever they will be, as unsatisfactory as this may be to me.

Buffalo. Am glad to read of their remittance.

[[?]] Biffi. I don't know why, in spite of my writing specifically on this topic, Miss Cohen keeps on spelling his name wrong - the "de" should be a small "d" and not a capital.

Mail list. Thank you for sending it on.

✓ ✓ List of Clients. Yes, please mail it to me here, as well as the list from Paris, provided it is not in too heavy a folder.

✓ ✓ Lefebvre-Foinet. You will, of course let me know whether you receive that shipment before you leave.

Puiforcat. Thanks very much for removing them from the apartment. I think you were right.

✓ ✓ Jose y Viere. I am glad you enclosed the photograph, as I shall write to him in the near future from here. Please post Mr. Robbins about the answer I will probably receive[[strikethrough]]d[[strikethrough]] from Vieria, telling Mr. Robbins I would like to have it forwarded here.

✓ ✓ R. S. Davis. Am much interested to know whether he came in and what his reactions were to the few sculptures you showed him. I am gladd Mrs. Parker and you decided not to show him the Renoir bronze which would have been indeed a mistake in view of what I wrote him. Please give me full details of his visit.

Zwemmer. Thank you for sending on the photographs.

✓ ✓ Please make a note about the Gauguin catalogue, as well as the Philadelphia as Miss Bazner may forget about them in the amount of things to look at upon my return.

✓ ✓ Unforeseen payments. Not that this is very important, but I thought you had foreseen in the expenses the home ones such as gas and electricity, which I understand you have taken care of, as well as the laundry and Newton.

✓ Checks to Tuot, Maitre Besson, etc. Will you please make a note for September to look into these different matters, as I do not recall in detail what I wrote to these different men. In fact the sums owed Tuot I could perhaps also have paid through M. Chauveau. Just remind me of this in September.