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-2- Mr. Liechti. 7/21/49

from 1932, going backward as far as ledgers, bills, etc., allow it?

I am sending you herein Lefebvre-Foinet's letter of July 11th which you will find self-explanatory in many respects. If I understand them correctly, the Prud'hon and the Lautrec will thus not be shipped before September 1st. On the other hand, the two bases in ebony and the books should reach you are long by boat. Will you please acknowledge receipt to Lefebvre-Foinet of his letter, but at the same time will you tell him that I am rather surprised to have heard from Paris that the items comprising the last shipment (personal items and those belonging to the New York firm) had not yet been removed from the Place Vendome gallery, to be stored in the warehouse as per my instructions and that I would be obliged to him for attending to this in the immediate future and reporting at once when this is achieved. repeat to him that we shall be giving him, as previously indicated, all necessary information for such shipment in due time.

Maitre Claude Perlès, 81 avenue Raimond Poincaré. Will you please write him in my behalf, telling him I have requested you to forward to him the enclosed note which is a new one "just received from Paris and that I am thus a little afraid something wrong is going on in connection with the demande de restitution, etc......". Before forwarding to him the enclosed note, please have a copy made of it, as I haven't any.

Dubourg. Also enclosed is a letter from Jacques Dubourg also postponing until September 1st the shipment of the Gauguin.

Robert ESnault-Pelterie. 6 rue Bonivard, Geneva, Switzerland. Will you please write him as follows: "Dear Sir: Your note of July 7th addressed to our Mr. Germain Seligman has been opened by me in his absence. As Mr. Seligman is traveling extensively during the course of the next few weeks by air and boat and as I am only communicating with him by cable, I am holding your note for his return. I shall, of course, avail myself of the first opportunity to forward it to him in the meantime, should such an occasion afford itself. Trusting this will not inconvenience you, Yours very truly."

Vacation. I surmise that the gallery will close on Friday, the 29th, until the day after Labor Day and I expect before that time all the paintings included on such lists will have been sent to the warehouse.

Gaugin Catalogue. you should receive shortly from Paris the catalogue of the Gaugin exhibition organized by the Louvre museum. I wish to have this catalogue carefully put aside so that I shall see it when I return and also upon receipt, will you please write a personal note to Miss Claudine Fulda, care of the Paris firm, acknowledging receipt of it, a matter which she took care of herself.



1 - letter from Lefebvre-Foinet
2 - note concerning "demande de restitution"
3 - letter from Jacques Dubourg

[[handwritten left margin]] Received