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gS personal

Caneel Bay Plantation
c/o Virgin Island Tours
St. Thomas, V.I., USA

July 21, 1949

Dear little Claudine - 

You are not only a most charming niece, but truly a very efficient executive and let me thank you for both your notes, the one received in New York before leaving and the other of July 12th forwarded to me here in St. John.

Thank you, too, for the fiche re the demande de restitution and also for the Gaugin exhibition catalogue which I am afraid I shall not see until I return to New York.

Re Mr. Guiot, I understand the matter has not yet been settled.

On the other hand, re Lefebvre-Foinet, do be good enough to call him up and ask him at my request to take delivery at once of the "deuxieme demanagement" as you so sweetly call it.

We are both still a little out of breath from the activities of the last few months but we are catching up slowly and in another week or so hope we will be able to enjoy to a greater extent this marvelous island. Let me tell you again before closing these lines how much help you have been to me during my hectic weeks in Paris and I am really wondering what I would have done without you.

With much love to your dear parents and Alan,


P.S. By same mail I am writing to F.G. in connection with his friend Robert. It is, you will realize, a very important matter and do see to it that in due time I hear from him in this connection. There is no hurry, as there is nothing I can do from here.