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OUTGOING MAIL FROM July 2, 1949 through July 9, 1949

July 2, 1949

Joseph Pulitzer, Jr., 4969 Pershing, St. Louis 8, Missouri
Edgar C. Schenck, Smith College Museum of Art, Northampton, Massachusetts
Charles Sterling, Conservateur au Musee du Louvre, Palaise du Louvre, Paris, France
Mme. Gerard Mante, 15 rue Alfred Dehodencq, Paris, France
Georges E. Seligmann, Montauk Manor, Montauk Point, Long Island

July 5, 1949

F. G. Seligmann, 23 Place Vendome, Paris, France
Robert Esnault Pelterie, 6 rue Bonivard, Geneva, Switzerland
F. Cleveland Morgan, The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, 1379 Sherbrook St. West Montreal, Canada
William M. Chadbourne, 550 Park Avenue, New York, N.Y.
Professor Henry P. DeVries, Palace Hotel, Scheveningen, Holland
Avv. Carlo Biffi, Corso G. Matteotti 1A, Milan, Italy
Me. Claude Perles, 81 Avenue Raymond Poincaré, Paris, France
Me. R. Chauveau, c/o Maitre Legrain, 24 rue Vignon, Paris, France
Me. A. Besson, 5 rue Chernovitz, Paris, France
Mrs. Clifford F. Weake, 731 - 11th Street, Wilmette, Illinois

July 6, 1949

Madame G. Dortu, 41 Bd. des Etats-Unis, Paris, France
Philadelphia museum of Art, Parkway at 26th Street, Philadelphia 30, Pa.
Harold W. Parsons, Esq., The Royal Automobile Club, Pall Kall, London, S.W.L., Eng
Leonard C. Hanna, Jr., Esq. 1500 Leader Building, Cleveland, Ohio
McKay Morant & Co., Ltd., King William Street House, Arthur Street, London, E.C.

July 7, 1949

Madame Humann Chalandon, Grand Hotel, Rome Italy
Georges E. Seligmann, Montauk Manor, Montauk Point, Long Island
Pierre F. Nesi, 220 Coldwater Canyon Drive, Beverly Hills, California
Jacques Dubourg, 126 Bd. Haussmann, Paris 8, France
Lucien Lefebvre-Poinet, 2 rue Brea, Paris, France - 2 letters
Mrs. Daniel Saidenberg, 45 E.82nd Street, New York 28, N.Y.
McKay Morant & Co, Ltd.

July 8, 1949

Georges E. Seligmann
R. Berges, Seligmann & Cie., 23 Place Vendome, Paris, France
Max Block, 67 Riverside Drive, Apt. 3A, New York 24, N.Y.
Rudolf Ernst, 33 St. Alban Anlage, Basle, Switzerland
Edgar C. Schenck, Smith College Museum of Art
Roland Balay, 58 rue Vaugirard, Paris, France
Dr. Gronau, c/o Sotheby & Co., 34 & 35 New Bond St., London, W.l, England
Count Hubert de Ganay, 59 rue St. Dominique, Paris 7, France
F. Cleveland Morgan, The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts
Richard S. Davis, Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Curt Valentin, Buchholz Gallery, 32 East 57th Street, New York 22, N.Y.

(continued next page)

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-21 13:23:22