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5 East 57th Street
New York 22, N.Y.    O.A.L.#2

July 18th, 1949

Dear Mr. Seligman:

SWEMMER GALLERY - Received the photographs in this morning's mail and sent them draft on London in the sum of £4.0.0 (Four pounds sterling) in full payment thereof, as per copy of letter enclosed. I am holding said photographs for your return.

MCKAY MORANT confirmed that they have made necessary arrangements for coverage of various air shipments which we expect from France.

EAGLE BY BOURDELLE - The electrician finished his work changing the electrical installation from AC to DC, and this sculpture can now be seen in all its glory. It surely is beautiful and looks extremely effective.

MR. STORA came in to ask me whether we had heard from Buffalo. I told him that we had not as yet received the payment on account, due July 1st, but expected it within the next few days at which time we would remit to him the balance of his share due him on this statement in the sum of $250.- (Two hundred fifty dollars). He wishes to be remembered to you.

MUSEUM OF MODERN ART forwarded to you and Mrs. Seligman cards as participating members for the year ending August 1, 1950, which I turned over to Miss Bazner to be held for your return. See copy of their letter of July 19, 1949 and my reply thereto.

July 21,1949

BERNHEIM - The shipment will leave by SS "America" sailing from new York on July 27, 1949 (all expenses except insurance to be collected forward). I wrote to Bernheim as well as to McKay Morant regarding marine insurance, as per letters attached.

MR. GEORGES - As requested, we delivered the Mantegna to the Kress foundation where I understand it will remain for a few days.

He also wanted me to withdraw the Spanish Primitive from the warehouse, and I told him I needed your authorization to do so. Consequently he cabled you for such authorization. If in the affirmative, I shall use one of the two letters addressed to the Manhattan Warehouse which you signed before your departure and would mail you for signature another one in its stead. I reminded him that I had strict instructions from you to take the balance of the paintings to the warehouse before we close the galleries.

A. G. BECKER mailed you a cancellation order for selling 100 shares of Heyden Chemical. As this matter mystified me, I called up Mr. Dattelbaum who told me that this was in effect only a temporary order and was done in accordance with a conversation he had had with you prior to your departure.

July 22, 1949

MARCEL GUIOT - Please find enclosed copy of letter addressed to you by him. The sole reason for my opening this personal letter was that I suspected it of containing vital information about the Toulouse-Lautrecs. In accordance with his request I am enclosing herein Check #714 (to be dated) on J. P. Morgan & Co., Inc. to his order in the sum of $566.-- (Five hundred sixty-six dollars) which kindly sign and return to me
(continued on page 2)


Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-23 08:34:46 removed hypen from words, removed margin reference at bottom, not a margin note, ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-23 12:55:39