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5 east 57th. St.
New York 22, N.Y.

July 14th., 1949

Dear Mr Seligmann:
A letter from Clyfford Trevor as follows:

Dear Germain: I have just been asked to sell a very interesting small painting which I thought might possibly interest you. It is an early Corot, painted circa 1840, and it is No. 423 in Robaut. The canvas measures 13-1/2" x 12", and it is entitled "L'Eglise a Lormes". It shows the church with several figures in the foreground, and it has a nice (illegible) green quality. The sky is a bright blue, and it is in excellent condition. The picture belongs to an estate. The asking price is, I consider, rather high, although it is not out of proportion with the average prices now prevailing here for works of art.
The price in question is £3,000 but I believe £2,500 cash might tempt the owners, although, of course, I cannot guarantee this. Anyhow, I thought I would let you have these particular, as I know there is a greater demand in the U.S. for early Corots, than there is here.

I have not yet seen Mr. Walker, although curiously enough, I have just received a letter from Mr. Finely, telling me, that possibly Mr. Walker is coming in to see me about an entirely different matter.

Trusting you had a nice trip back, and with my kind regards to your wife, yourself and everyone else at the office Yours sincerely.

Answer: Dear Mr. Trevor: Your letter of July 7th., to Mr. Germain Seligman has been received during his absence from New York, and will be brought to his attention as soon as we may be able to reach him. YVS.

The Leonardo da Vinci catalogue arrived from Los Angeles.

The Martha Washington Curio Shop. 241 East 79th St. called up to say they have an Eastman Johnson painting of a wooded landscape, which "Mr. Seligman" offered them $85. for about a year ago. Of course I knew nothing about it or if it was even this firm, but said I would bring the matter to your attention.

Otherwise there is nothing further at this moment.

With best wishes and regards,

Mr. Germain Seligman
Caneel Bay Plantation
c/o Virgin Islands Tours
Caneel Bay
St. John
Virgin Islands

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-20 21:40:06