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Mr. Liechti May 29, 1950 Dear Mr. Seligman: Mr. Jerome Hill Mailed us the check for $7,400.- in full payment of the painting by LeFresnaye. Acknowledging receipts and depositing check with J.P. Morgan & Co. He also phoned in his instructions to call for said painting at the Mayfair House and deliver it to the Manhattan Storage and Warehouse Co. whom he requested to ship it for his account to Europe, - delivery we already attended to. I wish to remind you in this connection that we owned this painting in joint account with Balay and that the full cost price thereof is $3,500.-, also that in the case of our sales of the paintings by Juan Gris, which we owned in joint account with him, we always deducted a seller commission of 10%. [[Right Margin]]I do not know yet whether we shall do that - but meanwhile please credit Mrs. Parker [[?]] with $150.- (one hundred fifty) on this sale - pay her?[[/Right Margin]] L. Rosenwald Returned the watercolor by Daumier. May 31, 1950
Transcription Notes:
Not sure what is written in pencil.
Reopened for Editing 2024-02-21 16:47:21