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                        Paris, May 27, 1950 

Dear Mr. Liechti,

Warehouse: I am returning to you, herein, the new permit for the Manhattan.

Lloyds: Thank you for your letter of explanation. I have only glanced at it so far but shall study it anew fefore going to my appointment.

Thank you also for your detailed letter of May 19th. However, let me point out that, though you wrote that Mr. Robbins' reply of May 19th was included, it was not among the papers I received. Furthermore and this is just for your own information, if you go over your letter, you will notice that your thoughts were not correctly typed but I guessed what was wrong so that it is of no further importance.

[[left margin]] enclose [[first?]] letter [[/left margin]]

Funds: As regards the month of June, when you have a chance, do let me have anew the details as the total seems to be so very high! I understand about the retainer but the eight hundred dollars is the regular monthly payment. Is it not? Then also, unless I am grossly mistaken which is perfectly possible having seen and signed so many papers in the few hours prior to my leaving, I did not see the final corrected statement of income and expenses of the C.A.D.

Ivory plaque: it reached here all right and hope to be able to mail it back to you within the coming two weeks. 

Wildenstein: Delacroix: if, when you receive these lines, the panels have not been yet delivered, please call them up anew.

[[left margin]] [[?]] [[/left margin]]

Titien portrait: having to write Mrs. Parker at length in connection with Mr. Sachs, she will deliver to you a message about the Titien portrait.

[[left margin]] no not [[?]]] advise Mr. Sachs [[/left margin]]

Purchases and shipment: I have bought this week quite a number of items and shall try to have them shipped as quickly as possible so that they will reach the gallery before closing time but I shall of course posting you in due time about them. Meanwhile, I would like you to have a curtain made to cover the space behind the large easel, that is between the beam and the window. It must be one of the same material as the background and it must be in one single piece. In other words, not opening in the center but will be pulled all the way back from the window to the beam and it must have rings at the top with thick enough a cord so that it will work smoothly along the rod. The height should be also the full height of the material on the wall. In other words, that outside of the top rod and perhaps the rope hanging down on one side, will look as a loose hanging behind the large easel and no one should be able to suspect that behind it will be a very large painting. If I am anxious to have the curtain

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