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Page 3
[[3 column table]]

Sir Anthony Van Dyck| "General Ambrogio Spinola"| $650.-
Peter Paul Rubens| "Head of an Old Man"| 1,600.-
Antonello Da Messina (Atelier of)| " Portrait of a Venetian Nobleman"| 1,500.-
Conrad Faber Von Creutznach| " Portrait Presumed to be Philipp vom Rhein zum Mohren"| 1,500.-
Jan van Kessel I| "Le Concert de Oiseaux"| 230.-
Pieter de Hoogh| "Young Woman Sewing"| 300.-
Pieter de Neefs, The Elder| "Interieur de la cathedral d'Anvers"| 375.-
Giacomo Guardi| "Scenes from the Commedia Dell'Arte"| 300.-
Frederick H. Mans| "Dutch Village Scene with Frozen River"| 425.-
May 26,1950

Matthiesen Ltd.
Received an acknowledgement for our remittance for their 1/2 share of the Retascon Master as per enclosed copy of their letter dated May 23, 1950.

Robbery at Drury Lane Restaurant
Following up Mrs. Parke's information, I am enclosing herein clipping from the New York World Telegram reporting the capture of the criminals. 

McKay Morant & Co., Ltd.
Please find enclosed herein [[handwritten]] for your ok [[/handwritten]] draft of my letter to them with reference to the insurance of some of our frames, together with list of such frames to be insured. As in the rush of the days prior to your departure you only gave me indications as to the period of such frames in four instances, I am only indicating to Lloyds the merest details, that is either 'carved wood' or 'composition.'

Mr. Hill
I am happy to say that he purchased La Fresnaye " 14 Juillet". Mrs. Parker is writing you in detail about this transaction.

with best wishes
very sincerely yours


Transcription Notes:
Look over transcription in addition writing on page. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-22 20:58:25 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-22 21:31:36