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May 24, 1950

Dear Mr. Seligman:

Parke-Bernte Galleries
Wrote that the previous owner of the Ivory plaque was Mrs. May Onsen, Washington D. C.. I instructed Miss Levine to put this indication into our catalogue and turned the letter over to Miss Bazner,

Baker & Taylor Co. (Book sellers, 55 Fifth Avenue, N Y.)
Ordered one copy of your book "Roger de la Fresnaye" which I forwarded to them together with out bill for $6.-.

Watteau drawing
Here are the requested dimensions:
Sight: 37-1/4 cm. x 29 cm.
Rabbit: 38-3/4 cm. x 31 cm.

Painting: Fontainebleau School
May I remind you to look for a frame for this picture.

Buchholz Gallery
Delivered to us 50 copies as agreed of your Seurat book which I shall bring at the next opportunity to the Manhattan Warehouse.

Cleaning at galleries
[[]] [[strikethrough]] Niles [[/strikethrough]], who had attended to it so satisfactorily during the past few years had a heart attack last week and while he is on his way back will no longer be able to do such work. John (I don't know whether you remember him but he is the short stocky Dutchman) who is very well looked upon by the building manager and the superintendent, is now taking care of it.

Painting apartment
Mr. Robbins tells me that in principle landlords are required to redecorate every three years regardless of whether or not you have a lease. However, in the absence of such lease it seems at times very difficult to have such work done by the owner in which case the next step to be taken is to protest to the New York City Housing Commission, which may or may not rule in your favor within four to six months. At all events, Mrs. Seligman, who already has spoken to the superintendent in this connection, will call up Mr. Pallister in this reference, as we believe he might react more favorably if the request comes directly from the tenant.

(continued on page 2)

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-22 21:13:20