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5 East 57th. St.
New York 22, N.Y. May 23rd., 1950

Dear Mr. Seligman:

I do hope that you had a pleasant crossing and not too "bumpy", and are already much engrossed in a successful trip.

I do not believe anything of great importance has occurred yet but here they are:

PARSONS: I called Mr. Parsons - Address: c/o Morgan & Cie, Paris. "While he had me on the telephone", he requested another large photograph of the Bartolo di Fredi, having sent his to Bereson, which I have ordered and will send him momentarily.

ARLING: MRS. EMANIE N. ARLING, 400 East 57th. St.

ARY REDON: Whom you wish to write: 128 Avenue de Wagram.

MME. JACQUES STOCLET: Whom you also wish to write: 60 rue Alphonse Renard.

IVORY PLAQUE: The break there according to the photographer is to bad to be retouched on the negative. He says it will only look worse than it does. He tells me that the only way it can be eliminated is if they airbrush one of the prints from this negative and then rephotograph it, in which case it will not appear on the improved negative or any further prints. However the total charge would be quite high, $8,50 (eight dollars and fifty cents). If you approve this I will tell him to proceed. In the meantime I have two prints here both showing the break.

PENROSE: May I also tell you that you want to write Roland Penrose, c/o London Galley, 23 Brook St. London W. 1. 

The following from Mrs. Parker:

A Mr. Edmund Perrien, 32 East 64th. St., called. He has tapestries and furniture which he purchased from Jacques Seligmann thirty years ago. Mrs. Parker says he did not tell her he wished to sell these, but she believes that is probably it.

Georges Seligmann's secretary called, wanted to thank you for your concern about his mother and that she would return home in the very near future.

JOHN J. CUNNINGHAM: 112 East 54th. St. Tel: PLaza 3-4468.

continued on following page.

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