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Copy of letter from Mr. V. R. Young, McKay Morant & Co., Ltd. to Mr. Germain Seligman dated May 16th, 1950 16th. May, 1950 Germain Seligman, Esq. Messrs. Jacques Seligmann &Co., Inc. 5 East 57th Street New York 22, U.S.A. Dear Mr. Seligman, I feel I must write to you personally to thank you for your charming letter of May 13th, which we in this office were very pleased to receive. I note from your remarks that, all being well, you will be having a short stay in London towards the end of this month, and I do look forward very mucy [[much]] to having the pleasure of meeting you, and may I say now that if there is anything I or my colleagues in the office can do for you will you please not hesitate to let us know. Concerning the letter which appears to have gone astray, I do hope by now you will have received our letter of May 11th., explaining the circumstances, and I know you will appreciate that until we received the copy of your original letter of April 28th. we could not give you a reply. I am hearing that our answer to you is satisfactory, but if not will you please let me know. [[left margin]] recancillation of part of policy [[[/left margin]] With my best respects, I am, Yours sincerely, (signed) V. R. Young.
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