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PAX ROMANA - On the occasion of the Holy Year and the Pilgrimage to Rome of Catholic intellectuals and students, the Mouvement International des Intellectuells catholiques and the Catholic Union of Italian Artist, announce the FIRST INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF CATHOLIC ARTISTS (1-5 Sept. 1950) to which they invite artists of all the branches of Art who fell the need of working together for the renewal of Christian Principles of Humanity and of a peaceful social Community in the spirit of liberty without which the divine gift of Art cannot reap its fruits of beauty and civilisation [[civilization]]. Not mourning, but action is the precept of the hour; This is not the time for grief over the past, but for rebuilding that which will arise and must arise for the good of Society. (PIUS XII - Christmas Message 1942) SO, IN FACT, IT HAS HAPPILY COME ABOUT, THAT HUMAN ARTS GREATLY PROMOTE HUMAN CIVILISATION AND CONTRIBUTE TO THE GLORY OF GOD AND TO THE SANCTIFICATION OF SOULS. (PIUS XII; Encyclical Mediator Dei) The words of the Holy Father are a warning and stimulus for every Christian; if a new society is to arise from the present difficulties, no Catholic may remain idle in the hour of action. The artist who has received from God the privileged gift of making divine beauty visible through his creative and interpretative gifts, should learn to know better how to elevate and assist society back to the hope of a higher justice and more fraternal goodness. May our invitation gather from every part of the world in the Eternal City both who have always fought and those who now desire to give new energies towards a renewed attempt to achieve peace amongst men in the name of Christ.
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Reopened for Editing 2024-02-19 16:00:57