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SUBJECTS PROPOSED FOR THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF CATHOLIC ARTISTS GENERAL SUBJECTS: I - Crisis of a despairing culture II - Art, the source of new hope III - How the social function of the Arts is to be understood PARTICULAR SUBJECTS: Architecture: I - Religious Architecture of our time II - The contribution of technical sciences and modern materials to the construction of Churches III - The distribution of religious buildings in the planning of the modern city Plastic Arts: I - Modern plastic Art in Churches II - The plastic Art of today in the spirit of catholicism III - The professional problems of artists in contemporary society Music: I - Historic justification and stylistic consequences of a return to vocal music II - Practical problems of modern music drama and their relations to the requirements of aesthetics III - International musical exchanges
Transcription Notes:
Reopened for Editing 2024-02-19 15:17:23
See instructions - "if a word is hyphenated because it goes across two lines, type it out as one word."
Reopened for Editing 2024-02-19 16:07:06