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March 23, 1950 Dear little Claude: I was so glad to read you were at Cap Martin. It is indeed as your mother said, a place full of memories but truly dimmed in a distant past, and if I saw it today I would most probably not recognize the landscape. I am particularly happy to know you had a nice rest as short as it was-after all health is our most precious possession. Of course you have already guessed that I am writing you about another book, which with your foresight and sweetness you may already have. It is namely the catalogue of the exhibition of drawings at the Orangerie "Cezanne a Fouquet". It seems to be a very beautiful show. Now as regards the telephone directory of Montpelier, you are right to assume that I did mean I would like you to send me one should it be possible. However, with the end of the season approaching, in New Yor, should you not be able to have it in the very near future, with the delay of mailing by ship I am afraid that it would get here after I have left. thus, let us say that should you not succeed in obtaining it within the next ten or twelve days do buy it and when you have a chance and please keep it for me in Paris. Do tell your mother how pleased I was to see her handwriting and with much love from us both, Yours, Germain Seligman Mademoiselle Claude Fulda 49 rue Vineuse Paris France TP