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5 East 57th Street, New York 22, N.Y.

Dear Mr. Seligman:

I wish to thank you for your six communications dated July 14, 1950.

Mr. Dattelbaum was very pleased to receive your message. I gave him your present address as he wants to write to you within the next few days about his evaluation of the current situation.

APARTMENT: Instructed Pat to have the bedroom floor attended to.

DR. BLUM: Settled the two bills.

J.P. MORGAN & CO., INC. The check No. 784 was cleared in the dorrect amount as you had indicated to me, i.e. $1,286.- (and not $286.-) as Lefebvre Foinet had confirmed).

I also wish to confirm that with the following exceptions, all the checks you have drawn were cleared:

     No. 791 - order Ratton.........$314.30
     No. 788 - order Marcus ........$515.-
     No. 789 - order Marcus.........$358.-
     No. 792 - order Seligman & Co..$229.-

The rest of your instructions have my careful attention.

FUNDS: Asked Mr. Robbins to transfer the sum of $665.02 to be used for the settlement of unforseen payments as per enclosed list.

VENTURI: Received the following cable from him:

which left Mrs. Parker and myself rather mystefied; We decided to cable you Venturi's request. Miss Bazner remembered however that this painting had been proposed to you last January by Marcel Guiot, and I am quoting from his letter:

"J'ai le plaisir de vous adresser ci-inclus la photographie  d'une magnifique toile de Cezanne mesurant 73 c 92 cms., No. 409 du Venturi et provenant des collections Pellerin - Sir Kennett Clark, S. Kaye. Le propriètaire actuel serait vendeur au prix de 16.000.000 (seize millions). Si cette oeuvre est susceptible de vous interesser et que vous en envisagiez l'acquisition je pourrai vous fournir tous les renseignements desirables...."