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5 East 57th. St. New York 22, N.Y. 
July 18, 1950 

no answer . 

Dear Mr. Seligman: 

NESI: Wired [[strikethrough]] you [[/strikethrough]] us as follows: 

Have twelve thousand dollars firm offer for both Bonnard and Toulouse Lautrec out of which twenty percent must be paid to agents leaving net for you ninety six hundred. payable six thousand immediately [[strikethrough]] xxx [[/strikethrough]] balance in thirty days. please communicate with Mister Seligman and wire decision as rapidly as possible. regards. Pierre F. Nesi. 

After conversation with Mrs. Parker I cabled you as follows: 

Nesi offers Yvette and Coup ninethousand six hundred net, payable sixthousand cash, balance thirty days. Consigned for [[strikethrough]] xxx [[/strikethrough]] eleventhousand fourhundred net. please cable. 

Below please find the pertinent figures respecting these two items:
Item            Cost              Our selling prc.          New consignment
                                  given to Nesi             prc. to Nesi
 "Yvette Guil-  $3,009.           $8,000                    $6,800.

Bonnard -"Coup
 de Vent"       $3,326.           $5,800.                   $4,600. 
(Joint Acct. 
yourself and Schempp & Co.)
                $6,335.           $13,800.                  $11,400. 
     Offers Nesi:                 $12,000.                  $9,600. 

CEZANNE WATERCOLOR: I received today J.P. Morgan's draft on London in the sum of £ 500. 0/0 Stg. which I forwarded to Marlborough Fine Art, Ltd., asking them for a receipted invoice. Cost $1,402.50. Enclosed a copy of my letter.(This delay was caused by the fact that the watercolor was sent parcel-post by a very very slow boat.)

very sincerely yours

Transcription Notes:
2/22/24,13:26 - could not make out signature ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-22 14:36:24 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-25 02:25: see instructions for transcribing tables and make correction to table in letter.