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5 East 57th Street, New York 22, N.Y. 
July 14, 1950

Dear Mr. Seligman: 

RF. NESI: In accord with Mrs. Parker I wired him asking when we could expect the return shipment of the pictures we had consigned to him, to which query he telegraphed back that he was negotiating the Toulouse Lautrec (Yvette Guilbert", Bonnard (Le Coup de Vent), two Braques (Fruits, Couteau, et Pichet and Duo Pour Flute). 
I therefore cabled you accordingly. I also received Mr Nesi's letter addressed to Mrs. Parker which I forwarded to her immediately. 

UNFORSEEN PAYMENTS: I asked Mr. Robbins to make the transfer to the Cashier Account as per the enclosed list. 

This morning brought me your cable extending the time limit for said consignment to July 25th. After telephone conversation with Mrs. Parker and since she has been handling this matter right along, I am forwarding said cable to her. She wishes me to tell you that she is going to write to Nesi and that she will send you a report about the whole matter. 

BIENNALE: Please find appended copy of their letter of July 10th asking for the loan of our Seurat drawing "La Jambe" for an exhibition at "L'Obelisco" gallery in Rome, and my answer thereto. 

CEZANNE WATERCOLOR: Arrived this morning in good condition. As requested in your letter of June 15th I compared it with the one reproduced in Venturi "Cezanne" Vol II, Plate 893, representing a couple enjoying a meal, and it checks with it in every way. 
I am therefore asking Mr. Robbins to have J.P. Morgan forward to me against his Special Reserve a draft on London in the sum of £ 500 Sterling, which I shall forward to the Marlborough Gallery in full payment of this purchase. 

DELACROIX WATERCOLOR: Arrived this afternoon in good condition. Contrary to Lefebvre-Foinet's letter of June 29th it was shipped by air instead of by S.S. America. !

SHIPMENT S.S. AMERICA: Received, according to Mr. Gelb, three cases, numbered, 1137, 1138, and 1140. Contents of 1137 and 8 are as follows: P. de Champaigne, Danloux, Trinquesse, 2 Lagneau, Huet, La Hyre. 

No list of the contents was received for case 1140, but I presume that it includes all or some of the items mentioned on page II of Lefebvre-Foinet's letter dated June 29th, the original of which was addressed directly to you. Mr. Gelb is working on this shipment right now and I expect to see everything cleared by the middle of next week. 

Trusting that you + Mrs. Seligman are enjoying a fun vacation
Sincerely yours
O.A. Liechti

Mr. Germain Seligman
Le Club de Cavalière
Plage de Cavalière
Cote des Maures (Var)