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5 East 57th. St. New York 22, N.Y.
July 5th., 1950

[[note]] July 14, 50 - [[/note]]

Dear Mr. Seligman:

I received your letter of June 29th., with two copies of letters dated June 28th., and 29th. to Lebebvre Foinet which I found self-explanatory.

This morning's mail brought a letter dated June 29th., addressed to you by Lefebvre-Foinet, containing detailed information with respect to certain shipments which they are making for our account. As it was marked "copie pour New York" I presume that the original was mailed directly to you.[[left margin]] Yes. [[/left margin]] I certainly am very glad to know that said shipments are handled so speedily, and upon their arrival in New York I shall do my utmost to have them cleared by the customs as quickly as possible in order to be able to give you a detailed report. 

I arranged for the necessary Marine insurance with Lloyds. I wish to point out to you that in paragraph one of their letter, Lefebvre Foinet acknowledges among other receipt of the check "Marcus" in the sum of [[strikethrough]] $1,222 [[/strikethrough]] $286.00. Shouldn't this be $1,286.00.? [[right margin]] cleared #784 [[/right margin]]

As regards the check "Raston" they confirm it with $314.00 [[right margin]] #791 [[/right margin]] instead of $314.30, which two discrepancies I wished to call to your attention. [[left margin]] Am unable to verify this at present- Please ask Margaret to let you have cancelled checks before the end of the month- You will thus have a correct picture of checks drawn and which you will also report to me- my bookkeeping on small slips of papers is worse than ever! - Hence my desire for confirmations of checks- thanks- [[/left margin]]

As requested by you I am sending you [[strikethrough]] an [[/strikethrough]] with enclosure [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] six blank checks, numbered 806 to 811 on J.P. Morgan & Co., Inc. [[right margin]] duly received [[/right margin]]

REVILLON FRERES: mailed an invoice to Mrs. Seligman for work done on an otter coat in the sum of $85.00. Do you authorize me to make payment? [[right margin]] No will wait Mrs. S'- return. [[/right margin]]

BANKERS TRUST COMPANY SPECIAL ACCOUNT: Deposited the following checks:

Interest U.S. Bonds..........$12.50
Dividend Union Carbide....... 50.00
Dividend Central Maine Power....... 90.00
Dividend Kansas Gass & Electric......100.00

HELFT: We received the following letter from him: "Dear Mr. Liechti: Answering your letter of June 29, I do not believe to be able to have your things dispatched before a few weeks. Anyhow, I take note that in any case I will not have them delivered during your vacation and will keep you posted in due time, I remain, YVT." Signed J. Helft. [[left margin]] Please keep at it upon return in Sept- [[/left margin]]

M.I.T. - Returned SEURAT "Eiffel Tower" in

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-26 00:40:42