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5 East 57th. St. New York, 22, N.Y.
June 28, 1950

Dear Mr. Seligman:

Mrs. Parker turned the following over to me:

Copy of your letter to Lefebvre-Foinet, dated June 17, re frames. Letter from Seligman & Cie, together with copy of their letter to Chenue, respecting the packing of the tw oCoysevox. Copy of your letter to Seligmann & Cie re Coysevox. Copy of your cable to McKay Morant and their reply re insurance of Coysevox, all of which I find self-explanatory, as well as check from Mrs. C.F. Weake in the sum of $25.00, which I deposited with your special account at the Bankers Trust Co.

IVORY PLAQUE: Was delivered to us in good condition by Mr. Gelb to whom it had been forwarded by Lefebre-Foinet. The protective mounting certainly is very original and looks handsome indeed.

MRS. CHARLES A. WIMPFHEIMER, sent in a gentleman bearing the following note:

"My dear Mr. Seligman. Please let bearer, Edgar Foster, look at my Regency table and oblige, Yours truly"

Trying to draw him out he told me that he was a dealer; that he had purchased a number of items such as Aubusson rugs and a Steinway from her Fifth Ave Apartment, and that she had asked to look at the table, which is all the information I could get. Mrs. Parker and I agreed that in view of Mrs. Wimpfheimer's request we could not stall off this man, and after a telephone conversation with Mr. Falkenstein told him that said table could be seen at De Batz & Co.

MARLBOROUGH FINE ART LTD. "Dear Sirs: We write to advise you that in accordance with instructions received from Mr. Germain Seligman, we have dispatched to you on the 17th June last, by sea mail, a watercolor drawing by PAUL CEZANNE. Enclosed please find certified declaration you will require in connection with the free customs entry. We understand from Mr. Seligman that payment will be made on receipt of the picture in New York. May we request that when settling our account for [pound sign] 500, you make a sterling transfer. The picture is fully insured in transit and we trust that it will reach you safely in due course.