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5 East 57th. St. New York 22, N.Y. 
June 30, 1950

Dear Mr. Seligman: 

Thank you for your letter of June 25th. I have ordered the Rassegna d'Arte [[note]] Thanks for report meanwhile unfortunately the ptg. I was after has been sold...! [[/note]] re Pittoni and as soon as I receive it will airmail it off to you. 

I have also sent off to Mr. Elsen the photograph of your Seurat "Eiffel Tower". [[note]] Thanks [[/note]]

Also want to tell you, which I believe Mrs. Parker already has however as I left a note for her, that Mr. Dodge was in a couple of days ago. I merely told him you were away and he sends his best wishes and hello. 

With best wishes and regards to you and Mrs. Seligman, and hoping you have a very pleasant vacation,

Eleanor Bazner

Mr. Germain Seligman
Le Club de Cavalière
Plage du Cavalière
Côte des Matures (Var)

Dear miss Bazner -

am sorry to have such little time to write to you - but beside trying to rest I have a heavy correspondence with Italy - Switzerland - France - England - etc - And things accumulate in the most unbelievable manner -

Do send me a few lines telling me - what you are specially working on.- besides writing these letters - The new catalogue (stock book)? - a new telephone book? etc - etc -  our photo filing system etc, etc - where will you spend your vacation _ back to Provence town or in new-Jersey?

Also do write to me whether there is anything special you could like me to bring back to you - in the line of personal presents?? - please answer - 

7.14.50_ Sincerely - GS

Transcription Notes:
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