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[[top margin]] answered - 7.16.50 - [[/top margin]]

5 East 57th. St. New York, 22, N.Y. 
June 23, 1950

Dear Mr. Seligman: 

HILL: Received yesterday in good condition the painting by VUILLARD "Portrait of Woman" which he returned to us as part of the La Fresnaye deal. I am covering it at its old insurance price (cost price) of $1,500. 

LLOYDS: Acknowledged receipt of our instructions respecting the insurance of certain frames and are preparing the necessary endorsement. 

I also received from them letter dated June 20, re the insurance of the two COYSEVOX busts as per appended copy which you will find self-explanatory. 

COPY: McKay Morant & Co., Ltd. June 20th., 1950

Gentlemen: We had the pleasure of receiving from Mr. Seligman a telegram from Paris, asking us to insure two COYSEVOX busts in accordance with the recent correspondence we have had with him. For [[strikethrough]] xx [[/strikethrough]] record purposes, we feel you would like to have a copy of the letter the writer has sent to him to-day, and which is enclosed herewith. Assuring you [[strikethrough]] oo [[/strikethrough]] our best attention at all times. We are Yours faitnfully for and on behalf of McKay Morant & Co., Ltd. signed V.R. Young Chairman. 

with best wishes
Sincerely your
O.A. Liechti

Transcription Notes:
2/22/24,17:59 - final signature hard to make out ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-27 00:45:15 reviewed page -fixed signature. It's O.A.Liechti, not "Madame" -added marginalia bracketing to marginalia back to review. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-27 08:19:36