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5 East 57th. St. New York 22, N.Y. 

June 20, 1950

Dear Mr. Seligman:

I thank you for your letter of June 16, 1950 together with its enclosures, all of which have my very best attention. 

As already working on the translation of the "special notices" such translations to go to Miss Bazner for catalogue purposes, while I shall hold the originals for your return. 

I already entered all your new purchases in our records and they are therefore automatically insured. However, and particularly for shipping purposes, Paris, New York, I shall be much obliged to you for giving me a breakdown of the sum of $508.00 paid to Mr. Henri Baderou, as Lloyds requires individual prices. 

To facilitate matters I am repeating all your purchases on the appended list. I also made a heading "Indisputable Values" as you might wish to cover certain of these items at special values. 

I apologize for adding so much to your work but I would also very much appreciate your requesting Lefebvre-Foinet to inform me prior to the shipment being made as to the name of the carrier and the day of departure, which will enable me to immediately advise Lloyds. 

I have carefully noted your instructions about the marble busts by Coysevox. However, we do not have the dimensions of their bases in our records, but Jack and I remember very distinctly that in our 51st. St. gallery they were displayed on the marbleized and therefore by building new bases 14" square they should be just right. Should such size in your opinion be out of the way will you kindly correct me. 

I was also very glad to read that you purchased a number of frames which will be added to our shipment. The only thing I cannot figure out is how you managed to do so much in such a short time. 

I also received your letter of June 15th., together with copy of your letter to Marlborough Fine Art Ltd. London, and their inovice for your purchase of a Cezanne watercolor. I shall proceed therewith as per your instructions. 


Public Service Co., of New Hampshire.. $90.00

Check Buchholz for their special sale of 375 copies of your Seurat book at $3.00 each..$1,125.00

Your Seurat book account shows the following situations: 

Cost ..............$6,173.70

Buchholz..375 at  $7.00...$2,625.
Buchholz..375 at  $3.00...$1,125.
Gallery ....2 at $15.00......$30.                           $3,780.00

Loss ......................$2,393.70

Transcription Notes:
I'm unsure of the two corrections made by hand before and after the word 'marble'. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-27 01:17:19 reviewed page fixed formatting for accounting portion for readability, per previous SI feedback back to review.