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5 East 57th Street
NEW YORK (22)               June 20th., 1950.

Dear Mr. Seligman:

I was truly delighted to read that you had run into our friend Mr. Duranthon. I remember being impressed time and time again by the quality of the items he has exhibited in the past. Truly a man of knowledge and taste!

When the miniature arrives I shall let you know, but as you foresaw, though you may assure him when he contacts you that I shall get around to it in due time, it will be impossible for me to undertake the research on his "Crucifixion" until later in the year. Certain developments in unrelated fields will require my full attention for the coming few months.

The remarks of Dr. Friedlander will, I am sure, greatly facilitate my problem, and I shall bear in mind that he attributes the miniature to an artist working in Germany early in the 16th. Century, and most probably around 1510.

Yours very sincerely,

Mrs. T. D. Parker

Mr. Germain Seligman,
Hotel Ritz,
Paris, France.