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June 15, 1950

Miss Bazner
c/o Jacques Seligmann & Co.,
New York, N.Y.

Dear Miss Bazner:

I feel quite guilty not having written to you any earlier, but my life has been indeed a hectic one ever since I reached Europe. I do want to thank you for your letters and do hope that, in spite of all the supplimentary work you have had to do, you are not going under.

May I ask you to be so good as to go to the Frick Library - or any other if you prefer - and look out "Old Masters Drawings" March 1928, and you will find between pages 50 to 54 with reproductions on plaque 56 an article entitled "Giovanni Bellini portraits of Francesco Gonzaga" by Byam Shaw. If my information is correct, that is if the article is only on these 4 double pages, will you please have it photostated and send it on to me keeping the negatives carefully in our files. Then, I would like you to look up an Italian Magazine called "Rassegna D'Arte" 1912 - Vol. 12, pages 20 to 59 on which you should find a very large painting by Pittoni in the Church of San Stefano in Venice. Should the article go from page 20 to 39, please do not have it photostated as it would be too costly a matter to have 40 pages photographes. But, should it be a matter 3 or 4 double pages, please have this done and send it on at the same time. Both articles, of course, must include the reproductions of the paintings concerned.

I do not want to close this letter without thanking you for the clippings referring to the death of Maurice Wertheim, and realize fully what a shock it must have been to your friends.

With all good wishes, 

Sincerely yours,

Germain Seligman.

[left margin] 39, 39.